
Ian Barry is the Rosa Parks of Weed

Remember that story about kid who smoked a joint in front of his class that I blogged about a couple days ago? Apparently it has gained worldwide attention and Ian Barry, above, has done much for opening up the national dialogue on marajuana legislation.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, you are looking at the Rosa Parks of weed.

Thanks to blogs, Ian's statements have been multiplied and amplified far beyond what a single individual, much less a 17 year old high school senior, is capable of. A video of the historic deed has surfaced as well (warning: this video is not suitable for minors or people with a low tolerance for young whippersnappers).

And so, the Internet has turned what was doomed to be a stunt worthy of merely yearbook notoriety into a potent statement of rebellion. Is this what political activism looks like in 2009?

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