
music +love

electrelane - to the east

Well, well, well lovers, what does 4:54AM bring? Only the most weary, bleary eyed blogger, that's what, 4am being a true badge of smug unprofessionalism. But of course, 4am is also always an hour never without its reasons. It's a special kind of time for that reason.

Today -- snuck into a music festival, the highest form of music piracy. The music piracy gods may rain bad karma on me for the rest of my life, for I have commited the gravest of sins. And it was awesome as hell. But what can they expect, for love? And no I'm not waxing poetic over some cupid b.s. either, I'm just talking (and have always been talking) about whats real: actual flesh and bones people, playing real instruments, percieved by real eyes and ears because live music is true love; it is purest expression without any of these pesky digital barriers. Music +love is all about inspiration, the electricfying kind, the kind worth climbing 10ft fences for.

So that's another day in the good life, lovers. You may think I am crazy, but I'm just tired. Tomorrow, +Love goes East! So for the long days ahead, I present to you this song.

“New York, New York. Big city of dreams, but everything in New York ain’t always what it seems.”
- Last (twittered) words of DJ AM, RIP


Pssst, Feist

ne day, a friend of mine walks into class with ipod headphones on, so naturally I ask him what he's listening to. "Feist," he tells me, winking, "but keep it on the DL." That's always kind of stuck with me anytime I put on some Feist nowadays, like listening to her songs is some kind of secret affair you've got to keep hidden from the masculinity gestapo. But, on behalf of closeted male Feist fans everywhere, it's about time Feist and I went public. And I don't think there's a better way to do so than posting two excellent remixes of songs off her underrated first LP, Let It Die.

feist - gatekeeper (one room one hour mix)

feist - mushaboom (k-os mix)



Party & Bullshit

ratatat - party & bullshit (biggie smalls)

Lovers, fear not! The summer sun may be setting but now we get to watch the sunset. That's the best part! The ending of things brings out the best of everyone. Ah yes, this is my last weekend home in the golden Bay, so tonight: the shittiest of shitshows. May this song guide us, and you, to hedonistic justice. Then the next morning, it is time to climb a mountain. From its top, this pair of hungover eyes will swallow a view of the homeland in its entirety. Adieu!


Telepopmusik - Breathe

Your breath should be light, even, and flowing, like a stream of thin water running through the sand. Your breath should be very quiet, so quiet that even the person next to you cannot hear it. Your breathing should flow gracefully like a river, like a watersnake crossing the water, and not like a chain of rugged mountains or the gallop of a horse. To master our breath is to be in control of our bodies and minds. Each time we find ourselves dispersed and find it difficult to control ourselves by different means, the method of watching the breath should always be used...after about 10 to 20 minutes, your thoughts will have quieted down like a pond on which not even a ripple stirs.
- Thich Nhat Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness


Daft Love

daft  [daft, dahft]
–adjective, -er, -est.
1. senseless, stupid, or foolish.
2. insane; crazy.
3. [French.] absolutely bitchin'

something about us:

digital love:


The Work of Vincent Moon

These videos are the work of French video director Vincent Moon. His intimate, sepia-toned style has been used to film a lot of bands performing their songs in a unique fashion, usually out in a public space or in some kind of peculiar arrangement. I find his videos -"concerts a emporter", or "take away concerts" - to be of superb quality. Enjoy these three, and then check out the whole list at his blog, La Blogotheque.

(skip to 1:26)


Dude, MGMT

MGMT - Hot Love Drama

Are you or your lover at risk of contracting MGMT?

Any of the following symptoms may be a sign that you and your lover have contracted MGMT and need to stop whatever you are doing and chilll: a sudden retro-appreciation of psychedelic imagery, a lyrically nostalgic attitude towards childhood, liberal positions toward drug consumption and promiscuis sex, and an inability to feel shame at painting and dressing yourself like a 4 year old again.

Yes, 4 out of every 5 college students reportedly have tried or are chronic users of MGMT. So far, the only known cure for MGMT is to smoke weed, enhancing all of the its best qualities while making you too high to care about the shortcomings of the other 7 songs on the album.

This knowledge was gained through a recent controversial study done by a team of MGMT experts conducting an experiment in a college dorm room. Those involved in the study have recently issued this statement: "Well, the towel did stop some of it from getting through the door, but it still smells in the hallway. Wait, what was the question again? Oh and do you have any Febreeze? Actually, whatevs, fuck it. Turn off the lights dude, that visualizer is siiiiick."

MGMT's next album is set for a January 2010 release. Until then, there are only grainy YouTube videos of them performing new songs during their handful of sold-out summer tour dates. This is a video of them performing the title track off their new album, Congratulations.

New material aside, I haven't really tired of their old stuff yet. Electric Feel and Time to Pretend still never fail to get groovy. And the opening keyboard notes of Kids continue to echo in the eardrums of this generation - a melody that I think may very well define who Young America was at a certain point in history. So light one up for MGMT, man, but take only what you need from it.


Yo, listen to this album

clap your hands say yeah -
clap your hands say yeah [download album]*link removed

Hi, I like this piece of music a lot and I think you should listen to it. By posting four songs I think you should hear, I hope that their sonic qualities entice you to indulge any aural curiousities which may develop spontaneously while listening. (Oooh!) In addition to the songs, I have included a link to full lyrics. They will be there if you care...and you should because it's damn good poetry.

Personally speaking, I have had an affair with this album since 2005 and have been on and off since. And because its summertime, we're on like old friends. To her future lovers: she has a weird voice, but once you get used to it, she's easy love.

I have also posted a link to download the entire album - clicking this link is illegal in 50 states. But I am willing to take that risk and so should you. All in the name of true love, my friends.

PS. I do not know why the text is reformatting into this column but I sort of like it. I also love music way too much to be healthy, but when it comes to CYHSY I honestly DGAF.

PPS. After a month of constant (purely figurative and hypothetical) ecstascy flashbacks since EDC, I have officially ended my electronic kick and have entered back into an indie rock phase. It's a cycle. Gotta love those guitars.

CYHSY - The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth

"Far, far away from West Virginia
I- will try on New York City
Explaining that the sky holds you in
The sun rushes in and a child
With a shotgun can shoot down the honeybees that sting
But this boy could use a little sting! Alright!" [full lyrics]

CYHSY - Is This Love?

"You say you can't say anymore
You've already said it before
In a million different ways which
were all not quite right" [full lyrics]

CYHSY - In This Home on Ice

"Shout just let it on out
Confusion becomes philosphy
Down we're reaching the town where we dont have to stand around and look over our shoulders
Hell i never knew was what we made it
Lets just take it slow in this home on ice" [full lyrics]

CYHSY - Over and Over Again (Lost and Found)

"A clean shave in the morning
And a full beard with no warning
Time has gotten by on alibis and wine"
[full lyrics]