
What the fuck is a Veckatimest?

I've only listened to Grizzly Bear's new album, Veckatimest, once but so far, so deep. It's a trip. A journey down a dark well, as Haruki Murakami might say. So far, they sound like a cross between The National, Beirut, and Sufjan Stevens. Repeated listens may be required before any judgment can be made, but a lot of critics have already blown their load over this album. These sort of critical circlejerks make it a bit hard to form any sort of original opinion on the art without second-guessing your own intuition. It makes the listener ask him or herself, what am I missing? Why don't I "get it?" At that point, the only option is to go deeper into the auditory rabbit hole until you find the right words to describe the mess.

Anyways, here's the album's poppy, upbeat single. It's hard to hate, and easy to love.

Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks [download]

Oh, and Veckatimest is apparently an island off the coast of Massachusetts. Duh.

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