
High School senior fights law, law wins

A fellow lover was seized by The Man today for smoking weed inside a classroom after presenting an essay about the legalization of marijuana. According to the article,
"He then finished his essay, sat down, finished smoking the joint and then ate the end after it was fully smoked."
Not only then did he give up his freedom for The Cause, but like all operatives undercover, promptly disposed of the evidence. Unfortunately, The Man and all his mysterious, omniscient psychic ways knew the crime he had committed and proceeded to arrest him.

The article tastefully mentions his 3.7 GPA and posts the full text of the essay which he read aloud to his class before going right ahead and smoking weed in front of his teacher.

To his credit, the essay is rather good read. He opens by quoting many famous stoners and lovers throughout history, ending his first paragraph with a quote from statesman Immortal Technique:
“Government ties is really why the government lies” – Immortal Technique, The Cause of Death
He then provides a salad of information, debunking many pot-related myths with the appropriate UCLA medical studies while making the classic case that alcohol and cigarettes are far more dangerous substances. He also writes about how much money the U.S.A. would save by easing costly weed patrols (which target minorities) and how much money America could actually make by selling not only the bud, but the hemp product of the cannabis plant.

After presenting a solid case full of legitimate facts, he goes down like a champ with joints blazing. Bravo, 17-year old Ian Barry of Ms. Napier's 1st Period class. You truly don't gibba fuuuck.

Now enjoy this track by Peter Tosh (pictured above) about sticking it to The Man, then light one up for all yo homies that couldn't make it, brah.

Peter Tosh - Legalize It [download]

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