
Wavves knows whats up

Hello lovers new and bored, yours truly has just returned from an epic hiatus which included beaches in Mexico and one big rave in LA. But now, with the drugs and shamanistic curses adequately purged from my system, I am ready to return to doing what I do: getting you to hear some awesome music.

wavves - so bored

Ok, so this song is by a band called Wavves. They come out of San Diego, California, so typically they are all about that laid-back, not-gibbn-uh-fuck attitude. Sunshine and beaches, man, those are things that do not go well with productivity. What the hell is productivity anyways? People on the internet call Wavves a mix between the Beach Boys and the Sonic Youth, two bands that were big before I was born and have not listened to. Personally, I call Wavves "hella chill." And really distorted. Take this track, "so bored." The vocals come out at you through a wall of static foam. Everything in the track has to reach you through an ocean of hazy noise, till you're drowning in sine waves and jaded disillusionment. It's kind of like watching the TV on a dead channel, only cooler.

Now the lead singer has gotten into some trouble. Apparently all the helium blog hype got to his head and made him think he was better than the drugs, took a bunch of painkillers and ecstacy before playing his first show on an extensive European tour, and fucked up badly. But that's ok. Honestly, the kid sort of looks like a douchebag. But here is a video for their other single, No Hope Kids. Wavves understands you.

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